The Art of Conversation II


The aim of this piece is to represent some of the most historic pubs in London in an animated style; to show how important the “pub” is in society as is “the art of conversation”.

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The history of the Pub goes back to the Romans, who first introduced Tabernae to England, where food, wine and ale were sold. After the departure of the Romans, Alehouses sprang up all over the country. Ale is a potent brew of malted barley, similar to beer but without the hops. With increasing industrial pollution in England, water no longer was safe to drink, so ale became the drink of necessity, as the process of fermentation served to destroy dangerous bacteria. Inns were run by Monks to feed and house travellers. The Tabard, one of London’s most famous Inns, unfortunately no longer exists. The aim of this piece is to represent some of the most historic pubs in London in an animated style; to show how important the “pub” is in society as is “the art of conversation”. There is a short synopsis of each tavern to relay the significance of conversation and the enchantment of the public house.


Additional information

Dimensions 42 × 59 cm